research help!

hey gang.

so our library had provided us with an amazing resource that i want you to know about. this will help you with your sources for your featured artists and your design journal.

there are libguides that are by topic on the library site. a lib guide is a guide that had been created for us by subject by the library staff that will link you to databases and resources that you can use for research. very handy!

to find the photography libguide follow these steps:

1. log into your mypima account

2. click on the library tab

3. on that tab look for “library search” and go down the list of options

4. at the bottom of that list will be research guides, click there.

5. in the pulldown menu headed browse by subject, select photography

6. you will then see a page with a link called photography (by Sandra lei) She’s our reference librarian. Click that link

7. you will be at the homepage that will take you to books, articles, databases and image searches. just wander through the tabs and enjoy all the things you can read and look at!

the url for that page is


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